Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Feedback on product

We created a questionnaire for our target audience to give us feedback on our finished trailer.

Age: 17
Favourite genre:
Did you enjoy the trailer?
Was the music chosen suitable for our trailer?
What was good and what was bad about our teaser trailer?
Does the trailer build tension/suspense?
Did the trailer have good continuity?
How smooth were the transitions between shots (1- not smooth / 5 - very smooth)
Did the trailer use a range of camera angles and camera shots?
Were the props used suitable?
Are there any improvement you would make to the trailer?

From the questionnaire we found that everyone enjoyed the trailer, all the people who viewed the trailer found the music was suitable, most people thought the music worked well to create suspense along with the quickly changing shots.

However the majority of people found the film trailer made little sense and the voiceover was slightly muffled. They found the trailer had good continuity and rated the transitions at a 4/5 on average. Most people thought we used enough camera shots and angles, they also liked the car as a prop. The common improvement came up as making the trailer make more sense and the typography of the titles.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Finished trailer

Here is the final draft. We have added a release date at the end of the trailer and have again changed the the timing and volume of the music over the dialogue.

Whilst filming, we tried to include some of the conventions of teaser trailers we had discovered from our research, into our own project.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Magazine Cover

Here is our film magazine cover. By looking at other film magazines we were able to include features that made those covers a success, into our own project.

Some of the most common conventions used in film magazine front covers included:

1) A main feature film covering most of the magazine cover.
2) The title of the magazine being clearly displayed and the price of the magazine made clear somewhere on the cover.
3) Other articles within the magazine either being displayed down the side of the cover or at the bottom of the cover.

We believe by including these conventions in our own magazine cover it has helped it to look realistic and professional.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Movie Poster

Here is our finished film poster. By looking at other film posters we have been able to include features that made those posters a success into our own poster.

Some of the most common conventions used in film posters included:
1) The title of the film being clearly displayed
2) The tag line of the film being displayed
3) A billing block full at the bottom of the poster including studio information, the BBFC rating given to the film and the directors, producers and actors in the film.
4) Reviews about the film and a rating out of 5 displayed on the poster.

We believe by including these conventions in our own poster, we have been able to make our poster look realistic and professional.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Second draft

Second draft of teaser trailer.

Improvements needed:
1) The music at the end cuts suddenly, so needs to be changed so it fades out.
2) No release date included in the trailer.

Friday, 28 January 2011

First draft - Movie

This is the first draft of our teaser trailer.

Improvements that we could make:
  • Could feature a voiceover
  • Maybe a bit of dialogue from the film

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Production and editing

The project was filmed over 2 days. By planning each day of filming and by using the checklists, we were able to get straight into filming on both days.

We worked well as a team by each having a role to play; Me being the actor, with Adam and Tim being the camera/sound men. We were able to use some of the skills and camera shots we used in are AS project,as well as some new shots; to show how we have developed our media skills.

We used the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot methods in our trailer. An example of the shot reverse shot, is when Valeo is looking at the grave stone in the grave yard; it then cuts to a medium shot of him from distance and then back to a over the shoulder shot of him looking at the grave again.

Overall, both days of filming were successful. This year we used iMovie on the Mac's to edit our trailer part of the project. This made the editing process much easier compared to last year when we had to use Adobe premier which constantly crashed.

I combined my ICT and graphics skills to create a magazine front cover and film poster which we are really pleased with. By looking at other film posters and magazine covers we able to incorporate the same features that made those posters and covers successful into our project; to hopefully make our project a success as well.

We were really pleased with the soundtrack we found, which we felt fitted our movie perfectly. Our target audience research stated that a good physiological thriller must create suspension and tension and we believe the soundtrack on our trailer helps do this; by having dynamic volume changes to keep the viewer on edge and by being fast paced.